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To provide low-latency capabilities SyncStage uses platform-specific optimizations, not available from the browser's engine. Therefore, we have introduced a SyncStage Agent, an application that be installed in the system and run in the background.

Latest SyncStage Desktop Agent for Windows


0.2.0 June 5, 2024#

  • Compatible with Web SDK >= 0.5.0
  • Improved audio quality.
  • Reduced audio latency.
  • Added handling for dynamic input/output changes.
  • Added Noise Cancellation filter.


0.1.0 January 4, 2024#

  • Compatible with Web SDK >= 0.4.0
Known issues#
  • Received audio streams may sound robotic.
  • Audio latency levels are not yet optimized for the best possible user experience.
  • Volume control sliders are not currently implemented.
  • The ability to mute or unmute audio streams is not yet available.
  • Some of the responses are mocked e.g. getReceiverMeasurements, getTransmitterMeasurements
  • Certain responses, such as getReceiverMeasurements and getTransmitterMeasurements, are currently mocked for testing purposes.
  • The initial state of the "microphone muted" indicator for receivers may not be accurate. This issue should be resolved after the first change in microphone mute status.
  • The user connectivity status indicator may not be accurate.In some cases, it may indicate connection problems even when the connection is correct.
  • The ability to dynamically change audio inputs and outputs is not yet supported.
  • Audio devices, such as microphones or headphones, connected after Desktop Agent startup will not be detected automatically. Please restart Desktop Agent for these changes to take effect.
  • Support for basic flow from provisioning to joining the session.
  • Support for all main browsers.