SyncStage delegates#
SyncStage class provide two delegate:, SyncStageUserDelegate
and SyncStageConnectivityDelegate
which provide a set of callbacks to inform your application about asynchronous events from the SyncStage.
Responsible for getting callbacks about users' state in the session.
protocol SyncStageUserDelegate: NSObject {
// called when a user joins a session
func userJoined(connection: Connection)
// called when a user leaves a session
func userLeft(identifier: String)
// called when a user mutes himself
func userMuted(identifier: String)
// called when a user unmutes himself
func userUnmuted(identifier: String)
// called when session recording started
func sessionRecordingStarted()
// called when session recording stopped
func sessionRecordingStopped()
// called when the your application lose connectivity with Studio Server, after a while user will be dismissed from the session
func sessionOut()
Responsible for getting callbacks about users' connectivity in the session.
protocol SyncStageConnectivityDelegate: NSObject {
// called when user loses partial connectivity as a transmitter or when get recover.
func transmitterConnectivityChanged(connected: Bool)
// called when the receiver loses partial connectivity for a specific user or when it recovers
func receiverConnectivityChanged(identifier: String, connected: Bool)
Responsible for getting callbacks about available zones latency.