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class SyncStage implements ISyncStage{
        userDelegate: ISyncStageUserDelegate | null,
        connectivityDelegate: ISyncStageConnectivityDelegate | null,
        discoveryDelegate: ISyncStageDiscoveryDelegate | null,
        desktopAgentDelegate: ISyncStageDesktopAgentDelegate | null,
        onTokenExpired: (() => Promise<string>) | null,

Constructor parameters:

  • userDelegate - delegate object to receive events about users in session state

  • connectivityDelegate - delegate object to receive events with information about stream connection to Studio Server state

  • desktopAgentDelegate - delegate object to receive events with information of desktop agent acquisition and release to prevent users from using SyncStage in multiple browser tabs at once

  • onTokenExpired - callback to be called when jwt expires, callback should return new refetched jwt

Check compatibility#

Checks if SyncStage SDK is compatible with currently installed Desktop Agent

async isCompatible(currentOs: string): Promise<boolean>;


  • currentOS - operating system should be provided. Accepted values from list: ['Windows', 'macOS']

Get latest Compatible Desktop Agent version#

getLatestCompatibleDesktopAgentVersion(currentOs: string): Promise<string | null>;


  • currentOS - operating system should be provided. Accepted values from list: ['Windows', 'macOS']


Initializes and provisions the SDK SyncStage object.

async init(
        jwt: string,
    ): Promise<SyncStageSDKErrorCode>


Check if SyncStage Agent is provisioned#

Returns if Desktop Agent has been already provisioned.

async checkProvisionedStatus(): Promise<boolean>;

Update JWT#

You can update JWT anytime you want, even before expiration takes place.

async updateToken(jwt: string): Promise<SyncStageSDKErrorCode>

Get is desktop agent connected#

Checks if desktop agent is running and available on the localhost.

isDesktopAgentConnected(): boolean

Get SDK version#

Gets SDK version.

getSDKVersion(): string

Gets autoselected Studio Server#

Get autoselected server instance info

async getSelectedServer(): Promise<[IServerInstance | null, SyncStageSDKErrorCode]>;

Get best available Studio Server#

Get best available server, where a session can be created

async getBestAvailableServer(): Promise<[IServerInstance | null, SyncStageSDKErrorCode]>

Update SDK to SyncStage backend connected callback#

  updateOnDesktopAgentReconnected(onDesktopAgentReconnected: () => void): void;


  • onDesktopAgentReconnected - method to be called when the browser SDK reconnects to Desktop Agent. Session state should be refetched and synchronized on the UI in this callback.

Get server instances#

Get server instances so you can select the server that is suitable for your session.

  async getServerInstances(): Promise<[IServerInstances | null, SyncStageSDKErrorCode]>

Create a session#

Creates a session in a given zone by a given user from your user pool.

async createSession(
    userId: string,
    zoneId?: string | null,
    studioServerId?: string | null,
  ): Promise<[ISessionIdentifier | null, SyncStageSDKErrorCode]>


  • zoneId - zone in which your session is hosted
  • studioServerId - studio server where you are running your session
  • userId - id of your app user to match the data between SyncStage and your backend

Join the session#

Joins a particular session identified by sessionCode.

async join(
    sessionCode: string,
    userId: string,
    displayName?: string | null,
    zoneId?: string | null,
    studioServerId?: string | null,
  ): Promise<[ISession | null, SyncStageSDKErrorCode]>;


  • sessionCode - the session code

  • userId - id of your app user to match de data between SyncStage and your backend

  • zoneId - zone in which your session is hosted

  • studioServerId - studio server where you are running your session

  • displayName - your app user display name

Get session state#

Gets state of currently joined session.

async session(): Promise<[ISession | null, SyncStageSDKErrorCode]> 

Leave the session#

Leaves currently joined session.

async leave(): Promise<SyncStageSDKErrorCode> 

Mute / unmute microphone#

Enables or disables microphone stream.

async toggleMicrophone(mute: boolean): Promise<SyncStageSDKErrorCode>


  • mute - desired state of the mute option

Is muted#

Returns state of microphone stream.

async isMicrophoneMuted(): Promise<[boolean | null, SyncStageSDKErrorCode]>

Get receiver network measurements#

Returns Measurements object with network delay, jitter, and calculated network quality indicators.

async getReceiverMeasurements(identifier: string): Promise<[IMeasurements | null, SyncStageSDKErrorCode]>


  • identifier - receiver's identifier

Get transmitter network measurements#

Returns Measurements object with network delay, jitter, and calculated network quality indicators.

async getTransmitterMeasurements(): Promise<[IMeasurements | null, SyncStageSDKErrorCode]>

Start recording#

async startRecording(): Promise<SyncStageSDKErrorCode>

Stop recording#

async stopRecording(): Promise<SyncStageSDKErrorCode>

Register Desktop Agent Reconnected Callback#

In case of reconnection UI application should be aware of this fact, to refetch the session state to keep it synchronized.

registerDesktopAgentReconnectedCallback(onWebsocketReconnected: () => void): void;


  • onWebsocketReconnected - callback

Unregister Desktop Agent Reconnected Callback#

Remove the callback in the SyncStage.

unregisterDesktopAgentReconnectedCallback(): void;

Get URI for opening SyncStage Agent on macOS or on Windows#

async getDesktopAgentProtocolHandler(): Promise<string>;