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Before you begin#

Before you start developing your application with the SyncStage SDK, you need to opt-in to Early Access Developer program and get your SyncStage SDK secrets. Once you have opted-in we will contact you to provide you with your SDK secrets. The SDK secrets are your credentials that authenticates requests associated with your project.

Become an Early Access Developer

Start with an example project#

The best way to start with SyncStage is by trying out our example project available on GitHub SyncStage Test App for Web.

Learn more

Use SyncStage SDK in your application#

1. Add package dependency#

To get the latest npm package of the SyncStage SDK install it from:

2. Get SyncStage Desktop Agent#


To use test application you need to install SyncStage Desktop Agent on your Mac. Download SyncStage Desktop Agent for macOS


To use test application you need to install SyncStage Desktop Agent on your PC.

Download SyncStage Desktop Agent for Windows

3. Integrate provisioning into your app backend#

4. Integrate the SyncStage class with your app#

Here you can find a list of: