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Music Collaboration#

Welcome to the SyncStage Music Collaboration Guide. This document will help you get started with SyncStage for live music collaboration. Whether you're involved in music education, songwriting sessions, or simply jamming with friends, SyncStage offers unparalleled speed and audio quality to support your needs.

Here are a few things you need to make your remote music collaboration successful using both the SyncStage Test Application and SyncStage SDK-based Apps.


Before you start, please ensure that you have the SyncStage Test App or another SyncStage SDK-based application installed.

If you have it installed already, please proceed to the next step

You can install the application by:

  • Building SyncStage Test Application from Sources
  • Requesting access to the already built application.

Building SyncStage Test Application from Sources#

Requesting access to the already built application.#

Fill out this form to request access to the SyncStage Test Application.

Audio Setup#

You can start using SyncStage quickly with just you headphones or use an audio interface of your choice. Select your setup to learn more.

  • Using SyncStage With Just Headphones

    Picture by Harman International Industries

    Learn more

  • Use SyncStage With An Audio Interface

    Audio Interface
    Picture by Focusrite Audio Engineering Limited

    Learn more

Network Setup#

  • Importance of Network Latency

    A fast and stable network is critical for a real-time experience.

    Learn more

  • Recommended Network Types

    Remote Music Collaboration might not be possible in certain networks types.

    Learn more

  • Distance Between Musicians

    The physical distance between location translates into audio latency.

    Learn more

  • Latency Optimization Levels

    SyncStage offers four modes dedicated for different use cases.

    Learn more